Colorectal Centers


Centers in the USA:

Ohio:  Nationalwide Children’s Colorectal and pelvic reconstruction center

Ohio:   Cincinnati Childrens Colorectal Center

Ohio:  The Cleveland Clinic 

Colorado:  The International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care at Children’s Hospital

Baltimore, Maryland:  John Hopkins Pediatric Colorectal Center 

Pennsylvania:  Colorectal and Hirschsprung Center for Children

Colorado:  International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care 

Utah: Intermoutain Health Care Colorectal Center

Rochester, NY:  Colorectal Physiology Center

Seattle, Washington: Colorectal Center

Locations internationally

Sweden: Colon and Rectal Center

Australia: John Flynn Colorectal Center

UK: London: St. Mark’s Hospital (specialists, bowel)