Health Needs of the Student

Health needs of the student in addition to toileting protocols (below)

  • Identify protocols for any medication that the student needs to take at school
    • Identify side effects of medications (both those taken and school and home) and establish protocols for addressing side effects (some children may need to carry a water bottle due to dry mouth, a side effect of a bladder medication)
  • Identify protocols for how the student can make up missed work because of absence for prolonged illness or surgery
  • If the child is small in stature, identify and agree on any necessary safety precautions
  • If the child needs to eat frequently in small amounts rather than a large meal at one sitting, identify a schedule and protocols to allow for frequent snacks
  • Every student who has to manage a physical condition needs to learn about his/her condition just as other students in health class may learn about their bodies.
    • Consider assignments in health class that allow the student to research information about his/her condition
  • Mental health of students with differences is key for learning.
    • Consider bully prevention techniques
    • Consider how to raise awareness among classmates and school personnel related to the student’s condition
    • Aim to reduce negative language in school documents such as “confined to”, “depends on”, “suffers from”, “debilitating”, etc.
    • Consider promoting opportunities for the child to engage with and learn about role models who have physical disabilities
    • Ensure that school “awards” do not focus on the student disability but are earned in the same manner that is appropriate for other students..

If the student needs assistance with toileting, procedures and personnel need to be established as well as a convenient location, not only near the classroom but also near other locations that the student visits during the school day.

  • A schedule needs to be determined to ensure that the student is not missing a great deal of class time to address toileting needs while still addressing needs in a timely manner
  • The level of independence expected of the student at specific ages needs to be agreed upon
  • The indications for when a problem arises and when to contact parents needs to be determined
  • The location of supplies needs to be established
  • The individuals, and a back-up system for when those individuals are not present, needs to be determined
  • Training of individuals who may assist with toileting needs needs to be addressed
  • Procedures for times when the class is not at the school, such as during field trips, or when the schedule changes such as on “field day” need to be established
  • Considerations for privacy need to be discussed and agreed upon