Alissa’s Story, continued

That’s not all, have you ever seen Dolphin Tale 1 or 2? Do you know Hope, the dolphin? I met her! Yes! You read that right! I got to meet her and do a handstand with her! A handstand! It might have taken 16 hours to get there, but it was so worth it! Meeting her was my biggest dream! It came true!!

Most people don’t think I can do ANYTHING! Some thing that really gets on my nerves is if they ask if I need help. I only need help if I ask you for it, and is be very rare. Word of warning! Just don’t ask! I’m WAY stronger than you think!!! Something that really, really gets on my nerves is when people don’t treat me like a person. It happens a lot, more than you would think. This one time when I was 6 or 7, my family and I went to a fair, but it wasn’t “fair.” They wouldn’t let me on the rides just because of my “disability”! The man straight up looked at me and then looked at my mom and asked, “What’s’ wrong with her!” REALLY! Something MUST be wrong with him. Why would he say that?!

Some people don’t treat me right at all. I have tried to overcome this, and I do. Say what you want to! It will never hurt me. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!!. Trust me, I get stared at daily. I can’t help it if I’m so pretty (hair flip). They may stare, laugh, or try to bully me . . . just try! They will NEVER bring me down! If you don’t like me, that’s okay. Some people just don’t have great taste! I really like to inspire others and others to inspire me. Some people say that my smile lights up their world, and that makes me really happy. So, all you need to do in your life is reach your dreams and treat others the way you want to be treated. You CAN do it. I believe in you! God does, too! Jesus loves you! Believe in yourself! Have fun! Don’t let others bring you down! Stand up for yourself! Be kind! Be happy! No matter what you think, many people love you and can’t live without you! Love all people even if they don’t love you back. Be inspired and inspiring. Block out the haters!